Canine Parvovirus
Kill the Parvo – not the dog.
Help! My Kid’s Hockey Equipment Stinks to High Heaven!
It is hockey season again. And all that equipment can stink up a closet something fierce.
SNiPER to the rescue!
Replace Your Toxic Household Cleaning Chemicals for a Safer Home Environment
In our last blog series, we learned about Indoor Air Pollution that is caused by insufficient ventilation in modern homes which can result in a build-up of toxic chemicals. The build-up occurs because modern homes are so tightly sealed up that when you use these toxic...Indoor Air Pollution – Sick building Syndrome – Part 2
In the last issue, we looked at what indoor air pollution is about, and saw that it is mostly due to the accumulation and build-up of toxins in an indoor environment that can result when modern building are so tightly sealed that the toxins released by biological and...Indoor Air Pollution – part 1
Modern buildings are amazingly energy efficient and are awesome at keeping your HVAC bills low. But for some buildings, there is a decidedly negative side effect. These homes and buildings are so tightly sealed that in some cases, the ventilation does not allow...Mold Season
Temperatures are rising, spring has sprung and it’s almost summer. And with it comes – humidity. The air feels thick, like you could swim through it…