How to Speed Clean Anything
Have household chores gotten the best of you? Do you find yourself putting off the inevitable, or just smear around, and NEVER really deep clean? Nok-Out/SNiPER Products will help you to Speed Clean your house, and get it DONE!
In many households, the whole family is responsible for household cleaning. Many hands make speed cleaning easier and more fun! Whether you share the load or not, these tips will speed up your tasks, and improve your speed cleaning skills.
Here is how to do it.
Focus Your Mind and Stay on Task Until You Are Done…
Take cleaning gadgets out of your tool box. They may be great for mini cleanups, but for speed cleaning they are superfluous. Invest in sturdy, well made tools, replace old worn-out mops and sweepers. Cast off terry towels that are threadbare, and re-purpose your present towels, or purchase them in bundles from your favorite shop.
Begin the job with a general pickup. Clutter begone! (At this juncture, it is easy to get distracted by the disorder. Don’t let it happen!) What to do, you say? Throw away paper items and don’t begin to choose what to keep or toss. If you haven’t looked at it for 12 months, it’s a goner. (The Speed Cleaner doesn’t keep things for later review. You have to make an instant decision, it stays or it goes. If it stays, place the item, photo, curio, etc in it’s place. If it goes, Let a local charity organization deal with the issue!)
Invest in a Tool Box
Choose a container that is lightweight and handy to tote, but big enough to hold all your most commonly used cleaning supplies. Keep it filled with products like this:
- glass cleaner or multi surface cleaner,
- furniture cleaner/polish,
- SNiPER and /or Nok-Out for disinfection and deodorizing,
- Tile Cleaner
- brushes, rags, wipes
You may be able to simplify further by making your own cleaning products. (See for great cleaning product recipes.) Inside this tool box you should find sufficient cloths, brushes, and goods to clean your house. Add a plastic bag, a feather duster and any other nook, cranny or specialty tool you like using.
Dusting and Polishing Furniture, Vacuuming the Floor. Make every movement count. When using a multipurpose cleaner or furniture polish, spray the cloth rather than the surface. With one hand apply the cleaner, and with the other hand,using a dry clean cloth polish the surface as you go along. (This requires ambidexterity. Don’t waste time on this if it is impossible for you. For some of us, walking and chewing gum at the same time is as far as our multitasking goes!) Continue wiping and cleaning all surfaces in that room.
Dust and wipe first, then vacuum.
Fetch the vacuum cleaner, and tackle the floors. Move furniture monthly, or weekly if crumbs or other clutter is underneath. Determine which electric plugs allow you to change plugs the fewest times.
Focus your laser eyes on the Floor! In your mind, block off the room into a grid, and vacuum the room using this grid. Empty the vacuum tank as needed, and apply a spray of Nok-Out each time. If you have a cleaner that uses bags, spray the exterior of the bag every time you replace it. If you have a bag-less cleaner, spray Nok-Out into the container. Mop well used areas (bathroom, kitchen). For areas that are not so busy, try once every other week.
Housekeepers, husbands, children, and anyone else who is responsible for house cleaning duty on a regular basis. This set of instructions works great when you have a goal, the tools, and the method. However, there WILL come a time, when speed cleaning is not enough. Although it may bring a frown to your face, dirt and grime tend to collect over time, even with all of your good cleaning habits. When it is absolutely necessary for your wellbeing and good health, the Nok-Out blog has a plethora (a lot of) hints and guidelines for deep cleaning. Check out this link to specific deep cleaning techniques:
Check out the other How To articles for more information and MANY more great guides.
Tidy up and then you’re done. Everything has a place, and everything has found it’s place. Look around and view serenity and calm. You are done!
Don’t let the sparkle blind you when you dance out of your clean house!
Could you please tell me about any environmental hazards with Sniper? Also could you explain how to dispose of containers that have held Sniper?
The manufacturer’s SDS (Safety Data Sheet) is here: Section 13 refers to “Disposal Information”; it simply states “Treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal must be accordance with applicable Federal, State/Provincial and Local regulations” which doesn’t really tell us much. However, section 15 (Regulation information) discusses “Regulations’, and there does not appear to be ‘significant’ hazards. SNiPER is an amazingly safe product and does not pose notable environmental hazards. (Indeed, this is one of it’s ‘claims to fame’) There are no reasons that you should feel concern when disposing of the empty bottles. A quick rinse with tap water will not be any issue at all. I hope that you will throw the empties into recycling. If you still have questions, please give me a call at 866 551 1927. Thank you! Ted
Can SNIPER be used in a carpet cleaner?
Sure! Here is our “How-To” for that: