Remove Odor From a Coffee Maker
My Coffee Maker Stinks!
Whether Your Coffeemaker is an older model, or newly purchased, it requires regular cleanings to remove hard water deposits (scale), leftover coffee oils that become rancid, and other impurities. Unfortunately, after a period of regular use, the residual oils collect, and gather bacteria. These microbes feed on that gunk leading to evil odors. Here is what a customer wrote: “Yesterday morning, while cleaning the kitchen, I decided that the coffee pot needed to be cleaned/disinfected/ deodorized. There were dead coffee grounds spilled in various spots, the warmer where the coffee pot sits was grungy. It made me ill to see and smell this mess.” With Nok-Out, you can safely and easily remove odor from a coffee maker.
How to Remove Odor From a Coffee Maker
First, lets remove the scale. These whitish deposits can be removed with Vinegar. Put ¼ to ½ cup into the water reservoir and turn on the machine so that the vinegar runs through the heating system. Do this a second time with only water to flush out the vinegar. Repeat, but add a small amount of baking soda to neutralize vinegar’s acidity. (Nok-Out is alkaline and contact with an acid such as vinegar is not a good idea. A quick final rinse using a teaspoon of baking soda in a pint of water neutralizes the acid, allowing Nok-Out to do its job better.)
Spray the inside of the water reservoir with 1 – 2 oz of Nok-Out. Add 1 – 2 cups of water. Turn on the machine and run this solution through the machine. This step removes any taste of vinegar that might be remaining.
- Flush the water cavity with clean water. Process it through the cycle into the coffeepot. (Be sure and use fresh water for this last cycle).
- Dry the water cavity after the steps above. A paper towel, or (better) a soft cloth works well. You may find some nasty deposits removed!
- Spray Nok-Out into the coffee basket or filter container. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the hard to reach areas. Allow to remain wet for a few minutes.
- Rinse everything thoroughly and allow to dry.
Have a Single Serve Coffee Maker? No Problem!
- With power off; remove the water cavity. Spray inside and outside with Nok-Out. Allow the surface to air dry (or 5 minutes) before making a cup of coffee. Give it a quick rinse before using again.
- Lift the coffee lid, remove used cup, if present. Spray Nok-Out directly into the coffee container. Spray the inside of this space. Allow to air dry.
- Remove the drain tray where a coffee cup is placed. Remove the grate, and spray Nok-Out in and outside of the tray. Allow to air dry.
- Spray and wipe the exterior of the coffee pot.
For this type of coffee maker, you will probably find less odor and less microbial presence. Cleaning this type of machine once every 3 or 4 months is sufficient to remove odor from a coffee maker.
If you have any questions regarding how to apply Nok-Out, or SNiPER® check out our How To Articles or, call Ted Price toll free at 866.551.1927.