Get Rid of Odors in Big Rigs
Sometimes truckers practically live in their rigs. Odors can accumulate – tobacco smoke, body odors, stale machine odors, uneaten food, unwashed clothing. It can add up and your cab can get kind of smelly. Nok-Out odor eliminator is an all-purpose cleaner that is safe and non-toxic. It also happens to specialize in getting rid of odors, and it is quite good at it! If your rig – or your fleet – has become unpleasant, you can get rid of odors in big rigs easily with Nok-Out odor eliminator. Try some today because it works. You’ll be glad you did!
Here’s How to Get Rid of Odors in Your Big Rig
The first thing to know is that Nok-Out is an oxidizer and does its work when it comes into direct contact with the odor source. If you know exactly where the stink is located, clean the mess and spray right there. Allow it to air dry naturally. Nok-Out is non-corrosive and won’t cause harm to surfaces, so you can “spray, and walk away”. You don’t need to wipe it up and it’ll do a better job of getting rid of unwanted odors if it just air dries naturally.
Nok-Out is Non-Corrosive and Won’t Harm Your Stuff
Since Nok-Out is non-corrosive, you can spray everywhere in order to get contact with all the stinky stuff.
Spray cushions, the mattress, seat covers, doors walls ceilings – anywhere that might hold smelly stuff can be sprayed safely. And since Nok-Out is non-toxic, it won’t harm you either.
What About Tobacco Smoke?
Tobacco smoke can be really smelly and can accumulate on all surfaces. But that is not a problem for Nok-Out. It will get rid of smoke odor on contact just like any other odor. It may not be easy to spray the entire inside of your rig, however. But there is an easy way that works great. Get yourself a small cool mist humidifier unit.
Put a cup of Nok-Out in the reservoir, add a cup of water and start the thing up inside your rig. Make sure all the windows are closed and allow this to run overnight. When you get up the next morning, open the windows and air it out good. You will be amazed!
Nok-Out is a powerful commercial-grade product that works to get rid of odors in big rigs and other stinky places as well. Pet odors, stinky shoes, smelly mattresses and the like pose no problem for Nok-Out. Try some today! You’ll be glad you did!