Clean Your Smelly Body Armor with SNiPER®
Body Armor Stinking? Odors from Your Helmet or Boots Got You Down?
It can become a real problem. You work out in the hot sun all day long, and sooner or later, you realize you have a bad case of smelly body armor, and it smells, it stinks, you stink. You wash it and all too soon, it smells horrible again. But you can’t use bleach to clean it because that will void the warranty, and maybe degrade the performance of the vest so that it no longer protects you. What to do? Here’s how to clean your smelly body armor safely.
SNiPER® Hospital Disinfectant and Odor Eliminator is the answer. This powerful new cleanser has been tested extensively by the folks at Safariland and they have approved SNiPER as a product that is authorized by Safariland to clean smelly body armor and other products without voiding the warranty.
SNiPER® is an all purpose, multi-surface cleaner that is an EPA registered Disinfectant and biocide as well as a highly effective odor eliminator. SNiPER® has the highest efficacy, is non harmful to humans and the environment and is easy to use. It does not produce harmful byproducts, residues or VOC’s.
Ballistic Body Armor Deodorizing and Cleaning Protocol
1. Remove body armor panels from outer carrier to be cleaned.
2. Use spray bottle to spray a deep even coat of SNiPER® to all contaminated and surrounding surfaces of the ballistic body armor panel. Note: It is not necessary to cause puddling of the product. Remember: SNiPER® must come in contact with the source of the odor to be able to do its work.
3. Allow SNiPER® to dwell for up 1-3 minutes to allow the surfactant to loosen any grime or dirt that is present.
4. Remove the loosened grime and dirt by using a lightly dampened clean sponge or cloth to wipe down the entire ballistic panel, with care given to wipe all surfaces very thoroughly to remove all substances or gross filth that may be stuck on surfaces.
5. Evaluate the odor and gross filth mitigation, if any persistent odor remains, repeat the cleaning process. SNiPER® will eliminate the odor once it is able to get through the built up layers of contamination. Repeat the cleaning cycle if needed.
6. Remove all substances or gross films that may be stuck on surfaces
7. Wipe the armor panels with a clean, dry absorbent cloth(s).
8. For lasting deodorization after cleaning, use a spray bottle to spray a light even coat of SNiPER® to the body armor panel. Note: It is not necessary to saturate the armor panels.
9. Ensure armor panels are completely dry and reinsert into outer carrier.
Note: Spray a thoroughly even coat of SNiPER® on Body Armor and carrier regularly or after each use to keep vest free of odors.
Additional Precautionary Instructions
- Do not dry clean armor panels
- Do not commercially launder armor panels
- Do not expose armor panels to bleach (liquid or vapor)
- Do not expose armor panels to prolonged direct sunlight
- Do not submerge armor panels in any liquid
Boots and Gloves Cleaning Instructions
1. If possible, remove any liners from outer shell of gear to be cleaned.
2. Arrange gear so that as much surface as possible will be exposed for cleaning. Remember: SNiPER® must touch the source of the odor or microbe to eliminate it.
3. Use a spray bottle to spray an even coat of SNiPER® on all contaminated and surrounding surfaces of the gear including all sides, any liner assembly and padding.
Note: It is not necessary to over saturate or cause puddling of product
4. Allow SNiPER® to dwell for 1 – 3 minutes to allow the surfactant to loosen any grime or dirt that is present.
5. Hand wash the surfaces of the gear including liner assembly with a lightly dampened clean sponge or clean cloth. Use care to wipe all surfaces very thoroughly to remove all substances or gross filth that may be stuck on the surfaces.
6. Evaluate the odor and gross filth mitigation and repeat the cleaning cycle of needed.
7. For lasting deodorization after cleaning, use a spray bottle to spray a light even coat of SNiPER® on all surfaces of the gear.
8. Allow to dry.
9. If your boots have seen daily use for years and the odor has been allowed to accumulate, you will need to spray very heavily the first time, because your sweat has penetrated deeply into the seams and stitching. You will have to spray enough down in there, that SNiPER® can penetrate just as deeply into the leather and stitching, too. And, you will likely have to re-apply. But every time you apply, SNiPER® will get a little bit more of that stench, and in the end, you will be successful in removing that odor. When you get new boots, the apply SNIPER® regularly and you can prevent the accumulation of odor right from the beginning.
If you have any questions regarding how to apply Nok-Out, or SNiPER® check out our How To Articles or, call Ted Price toll free at 866.551.1927.